Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Verse by Mell...take one...

We hid in the basement for some tornado fun
Now we're writing the pages for Packet One
We drank and laughed and drank some more
The writing life rocks though our butts are SORE!

...We're Thirteen Below and we're here to say:

We're WRITERS, we're AWESOME, and we won't go AWAY!


Mellisa Dempsey said...

I HEART all of you! I hope everyone has a fantabulous semester with his or her advisor!



Anne said...

Sweeeeeet verse! We are a tough crew - not cold nor tornado can keep us away from our writing!
Miss u already!

Mellisa Dempsey said...

I miss you, too! :0)

Jyoti Kumari Dugal said...

Great verse!!!