Friday, August 20, 2010

Ten page Critical

Hi everyone,

How are you????? I miss y'all so much! So...the ten page critical paper. Are we supposed to complete a normal critical essay in addition to the ten page paper, or does the 10-pager count as our essay for that month? I know we covered this at the second semester meeting, but my brain's fried. Sorry.

Happy writing, loves!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I want to know how everyone is doing and how the packets are coming along! So tell me... how are you?

Also... what are you reading?

Currently... I am reading...

1. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (I have to know what the hype is about)--- I know.. i shouldn't be reading for fun, but it's a guilty pleasure.
2. The Art of Fiction for Young Writers