Friday, August 20, 2010

Ten page Critical

Hi everyone,

How are you????? I miss y'all so much! So...the ten page critical paper. Are we supposed to complete a normal critical essay in addition to the ten page paper, or does the 10-pager count as our essay for that month? I know we covered this at the second semester meeting, but my brain's fried. Sorry.

Happy writing, loves!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I want to know how everyone is doing and how the packets are coming along! So tell me... how are you?

Also... what are you reading?

Currently... I am reading...

1. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (I have to know what the hype is about)--- I know.. i shouldn't be reading for fun, but it's a guilty pleasure.
2. The Art of Fiction for Young Writers

Thursday, July 29, 2010

screw writers block!

Don't panic! Forget your brain and all of the fear and just put words on the page. Words surprise you - always. So just write and feel and do not think. You'll be just fine! I believe in you!

Writer's block

I have it! I am on page 12 of my manuscript... only page 12... and I have writers block. I am a slow writer so page 12 is like major progress for me, but I need to write page 13, but I don't know where to go. I feel like I take too much control of my work and I should just let go and write what my fingers manage to punch out.

How do you guys do it??


Monday, July 26, 2010

thought of the day (courtesy Ursula K LeGuin)

"The unread story is not a story:
it is little black marks on wood pulp.
The reader, reading it, makes it live:
a live thing,
a story."

Say it like it is, Ms LeGuin!

Happy Monday to y'all!
and Happy Writing!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

PS - WD40

I just read this somewhere and I thought it was hysterical...

Monday, July 19: "Inspired by WD-40"
In 1953 a fledgling business called Rocket Chemical Company set out to create a rust-prevention solvent for use in the aerospace industry. It took them 40 attempts to get the formula right. Voila! *WD-40*, which stands for Water Displacement, 40th attempt. I find that inspiring! What if they'd given up on number 39? [Think about your manuscript submissions - don't give up before 40 failures!] 
I thought it was a funny correlation - how our writing is like WD40 - sounds like a critical essay topic almost! :-)
Write on!

Guilt and All

Anne, you should absolutely not feel guilty EVER about writing.

I saw the movie Golden Compass and heard the author speak at the Chicago Humanities Festival a few years back when the theme was green. He seems like a talented guy with a good heart.

I'm still trying to finish my reflections, but I've spent some time working on scenes for the middle of my novel and I'm excited because it has a lot of energy. Seems like it was a good idea to put it aside for awhile and work on picture books. Can't wait to write my way through to the end so I'll have a draft to work with.

Also started researching sociopaths and victims. This should be interesting...